Spiritual protection and its importance are often overlooked in today's fast-paced world.
With so much noise and distraction around us, we can become vulnerable to negative people, psychic attacks, and energetic attachments.
Encountering energy vampires can leave you feeling drained and tired...
Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt a dark energy or heaviness that affected your mood?
Spiritual protection refers to safeguarding your spiritual well-being by becoming aware of the energies you exchange with your surroundings and other people.
Slowing down is crucial, tuning in to the subtleties, and paying attention to what's happening on a deeper level.
By implementing various techniques and increasing your sensitivity to energy, you can shield yourself from potential harm on your spiritual path.
In this post, we'll explore the benefits of spiritual protection and share some practical tips and techniques to help you safeguard your frequency and maintain positive energy in your environment.
Whether you're a spiritual seeker, healer, empath, or anyone who wants to live a more conscious and empowered life, this post is for you.
Reasons Why Spiritual Protection is Important

Spiritual Hygiene:
Practicing spiritual protection is a great way to promote wellness. By keeping your spiritual firewall up to date, you maintain a personal space that is clean and light. You'll be able to support positive thoughts and invite tranquility into your life.
Energy Protection:
Spiritual protection helps you to maintain the integrity of your energy field and shield yourself from potential harm, be it emotional or psychic. It serves as a barrier that helps you maintain balance and avoid negative energy.
Preventing Energetic Attachments and Spiritual Attacks:
When left unchecked, your energetic field can accumulate unwanted energies and attachments, such as energetic parasites or astral larvae. Certain negative entities and thought-forms thrive on draining your vitality.
Avoiding Cords and Hooks:
These energetic links are formed in various ways and connect us with other people, places, spirits, and even past lives and other dimensions. These are often unwanted and leave us vulnerable, drained or emotionally exhausted.
Enhancing Intuition:
Spiritual protection can help you to enhance your intuition, which is your inner guidance system. When you're spiritually protected, you're more in tune with your intuition, which can help you make better decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.
Improving Relationships:
Practicing spiritual protection helps to strengthen your relationships with others, yourself and the divine. You are less likely to take on other people's negative energy, or get entangled in their karma and are more open to receiving guidance from the universe.
Boosting Self-Confidence and Reducing Stress:
A sense of inner strength and resilience creates a calmness. When you're spiritually protected, you're better equipped to handle life's challenges and remain centered in the face of adversity.
3 Practices that Protect your Energy Field

Awareness and Preparation
First of all, being aware of your surroundings is essential for spiritual and psychic protection.
Pay attention to how you feel in different environments and situations, and be mindful of your thoughts and emotions.
This awareness will help you recognise when you need to shield yourself from negative energies and also when to prepare for encountering them.
There is a particular magic shop I sometimes frequent that has a real heavy vibe to it. I make sure I'm protected before going in there to avoid unintentionally picking anything up and taking home more than I paid for...
Maybe in your case you struggle in your work environment or perhaps feel drained around certain people.
Check in with yourself regularly to be able to prepare for situations where you know you will need some energy protection.
1. Create an Energy Shield
Creating an energy shield is is a great way to protect yourself spiritually.
It is a quick and easy method that can be done anywhere and is simple enough to be adapted to what suits you best.
To create an energy shield, start by closing your eyes and taking a few slow, conscious breaths. As you enter into a more meditative state, visualise a stream of divine light coming down and entering the space above your head.
With every inhale, see and feel this energy fill your lungs. It may be a bright white light or a golden one.
With every exhale, visualise this cosmic force spreading and forming a protective shield around you.
This energetic barrier can take the form that suits you best, such as a shield, a bubble, or a wall.
Continue with a few rounds of breath, while visualising and fortifying your energetic defense.
This only takes a couple of minutes and can be done before going into crowded places, starting the day at work, or when you know you'll be around someone who can be draining.
By practicing this simple technique regularly, you can protect yourself from negative energies and maintain your spiritual well-being.
2. Manifesting Energetic Gifts
Energetic gifts are a powerful and beautiful way to safeguard your frequency while serving others.
To practice this technique, start by getting comfortable, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath.
Use whatever technique suits you best to achieve a deep meditative state.
Once in a blissful state, connect with the divine source of love and light, ushering in a stream of soft, pink energy.
Let the pink energy slowly billow and gently fill your energetic space. This energy is warm, abundant, and nurturing.
Once you're completely immersed in this loving energy, bask in it for a while and let it nurture you at the deepest level.
Now, with this pink cloud of love that surrounds you, visualize gathering some of it and condensing it into a small gift.
Let it manifest in whatever form it needs to without trying to influence it.
A small box with a ribbon may appear, or a teddy bear, a doll, or a toy car. These usually show up for me.
The energetic resources that it took to create this gift will have left an empty space.
This pink universal energy of love is abundant, so let it waft back in and completely fill the space again.
Repeat this process as many times as you feel necessary. You will end up surrounded by energetic gifts and a sea of pink, loving energy.
To use these gifts in daily life, visualise offering them to others as you go about your day. One person may take the toy car, another the doll.
By energetically offering them this abundant loving energy in the form they require, you can help others without depleting your personal energy.
By practicing this technique regularly, you can protect yourself from draining energies, maintaining your spiritual well-being while also being there for others.
3. Cutting Cords
We all have energetic cords that connect us to the people and experiences in our lives. While some of these are nourishing, others can be draining, sapping our energy and holding us back.
To release negative attachments and cut cords that no longer serve your highest good, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
Take a few slow, conscious breaths, and allow your body to relax. Focus on your breath and transition into a meditative state.
Ask yourself if you have a cord that needs cutting. Trust your intuition and wait for an answer. If you receive a yes, ask where it is and who or what it's linked to.
Take your time to visualise it clearly, noticing its colour and appearance.
Picture a tool that resonates with you... It could be a pair of golden scissors, a sword, a flame, or any other tool that feels powerful to you.
In a peaceful state, give thanks for the experience gained from these connections.
Now use your tool to cut the cord, severing the connection which no longer serves you.
Notice how you feel as you let go of this attachment. Even the smallest shift in energy gives you space to grow as an individual.
Repeat this process as many times as you need to.
Examples of cords that you may need to cut:
- A past relationship that still haunts you and drains your energy
- A job that you've outgrown and no longer serves your highest good
- A friend who's negative and always brings you down
- A family member who's toxic and drains your energy
- A traumatic event you can't seem to move on from
Trust yourself and the process, and know that the universe is supporting you every step of the way.
Maintaining Spiritual Protection and Energetic Boundaries

Practising self-care is essential for maintaining spiritual protection and energetic boundaries. Your body, mind and spirit are intrinsically linked, so striving for balance between them is the goal.
You will struggle to achieve spiritual protection if you neglect your mind or if your body is screaming for attention.
Make sure you dedicate time for activities that nurture and look after your body and your mind
This can include:
- Meditation and mindfulness exercises
- Physical exercise, like yoga or walking in nature
- Eating a balanced and nutritious diet
- Getting enough sleep and rest
- Engaging in hobbies and creative activities that bring you joy
By prioritising self-care, you create a strong foundation for your spiritual well-being and protect your energy.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships
Your relationships play a significant role in your energetic boundaries.
Surround yourself with people who are supportive, understanding, and respectful of your spiritual journey. Develop strong emotional and energetic boundaries by:
- Communicating your needs and feelings openly and honestly
- Practising active listening and empathy with others
- Respecting other people's boundaries and needs
- Engaging in meaningful conversations and activities that align with your values and beliefs
Limit your interaction with people who drain your energy or negatively impact your spiritual growth.
Crystals for Spiritual Protection
All crystals have their unique qualities and emit certain vibrations that help us energetically in all areas of life.
Here are some crystals to enhance your spiritual protection:
- Black Tourmaline: Anchors energy and protects against negative energies. It repels all types of negativity, forming a protective shield around us.
- Black Kyanite: Powerful energy clearing crystal. Unblocks stagnant energy, works well with black tourmaline.
- Hematite: Anchoring qualities. Helps ground energies of the spiritual realm into the physical plane. Dissolves negative energies.
- Smoky Quartz: Shields against negative energy and especially negative emotions. Helps with transforming our shadows into light.
Keep these crystals with you or place them around your home for added protection. Crystals are capable of holding a charge, so it's good practice to cleanse and clear them regularly.
Bracelets and Necklaces
Bracelets, necklaces, and other jewelry can be powerful tools for spiritual protection.
With the correct intention they can become amulets and talismans.
If they contain crystals, they can carry a protective charge. Crystals have different specialties, so choose pieces that resonate with you and your specific needs.
Wearing spiritual jewelry with the intention of shielding yourself from harmful energies can reinforce your commitment to maintaining strong energetic boundaries.
For example, there is a necklace I put on every day. It's connected to my spiritual guides and carries deep meaning for me. I'm reminded every day of their guidance and give thanks for their protection as I put it on and go about my day.
Choose pieces that make you feel good and express your personal style. By doing so, you can connect with your spirituality and protect your energy field.
Dream Work
Your dreams provide valuable insights and guidance on your spiritual path.
By paying attention to your dreams and their symbols, you can strengthen your spiritual protection and energetic boundaries.
To work with your dreams for spiritual protection, consider:
- Keeping a dream journal to record and reflect on your dreams. This can help you identify patterns, symbols, and themes that may be relevant to your spiritual growth.
- Setting an intention to remember and understand your dreams before you sleep. This can help you connect with your subconscious mind and higher self, and receive guidance and insights from your dreams.
- Meditating or using visualization techniques to connect with your inner self and explore your dreams more deeply. This can help you gain greater awareness and understanding of your dreams.
- Exploring dream symbolism and archetypes to understand the messages your dreams are conveying. This can help you interpret the meaning of your dreams and apply their insights to your waking life.
By working with your dreams in these ways, you can develop a deeper understanding of your spiritual path and strengthen your energetic boundaries.
Remember to approach your dreams with curiosity, openness, and respect, and trust that they are guiding you towards greater spiritual growth.
Service to Others
Serving others can be a powerful way to maintain your spiritual protection and energetic boundaries.
Whether it's by volunteering, helping a friend, or simply offering a kind word, acts of service have the potential to boost your spiritual resilience. Here are some ways you can serve others:
- Offer your time and skills to a local community group, charity, or non-profit organisation
- Be a good listener and offer emotional support to friends, family members, and colleagues
- Cultivate compassion and empathy for those around you, and act on these emotions to help others
- Share your spiritual knowledge and insights with others who may benefit from your experience
Remember that serving others is always a win-win situation. By offering love and support to others, we open the door and allow the abundant energy of the universe to flow back to us.
Magic Spaces for Spiritual Protection

Creating magic spaces for spiritual protection is a powerful practice that involves evoking and invoking certain spirit guides and divinities, as well as using specific elements and tools such as candles, crystals, minerals, and plants.
This practice is indirectly linked to the Umbanda religion, and similar divinities recognized in Umbanda are present and called upon in this practice.
However, it is important to note that this practice is a magical one and not religious.
It can only be undertaken by those who have received proper training and initiation, as it involves working with powerful spiritual forces that require a deep understanding and respect.
When a magical space has been activated or opened, it acts as a portal where negativity gets transmuted into the light, promoting spiritual awareness and protection.
Each magic space can have specific qualities depending on the arrangement and determinations that are learned through the mystery school.
For example, one magic space could specialize in opening up opportunities, while another may focus on releasing negative attachments.
In order to enter a magic space for cleansing or other purposes, it must be done with the help of a practitioner who has received proper training and initiation.
The practitioner will guide the individual through the process of entering the space and assist in the cleansing or healing process.
While this practice may be unfamiliar to many, it can be a powerful tool for enhancing one's spiritual awareness and protection.
In Conclusion
Protecting your energy and maintaining your spiritual well-being requires awareness, intention, and a unique approach that resonates with you.
By being mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings, you can identify negative energies and take steps to shield yourself from them.
Remember that your spiritual path is unique to you, so it's important to be open-minded and experiment with different practices and techniques until you find what works best for you.
The practices and tips shared in this post are just a starting point.
Keep exploring and prioritising your spiritual protection to live a more fulfilling and empowered life.